My dad

Today is Father's Day here in the UK. I'm blessed to still have my dad around, even if he lives on the other side of the planet.

Today is Father's Day here in the UK. I'm blessed to still have my dad around, even if he lives on the other side of the planet. I'm so grateful for the developers of Skype as it means I get to see him and speak with him just about every day.

I owe my dad a lot. Obviously I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him (or mum obviously).

He gave me a love of The Rangers.

He told me in the early/mid 90s that we would never have the Internet. A year or so later, we built a website together :-)

He encouraged me pursue my degree - even when I doubted my academic ability. Without that, there's no way I'd have been able to work on some of the cool (and not so cool) projects I have over the past few years or have the opportunities that come my way each week.

Growing up, he set an example of how I should love my wife and my children.

Most importantly though, he encouraged me to love God and put Him first in everything that I do.

Dad, thank you for your discipline, love, encouragement, sacrifices, instruction and example over my 30 years.

Love you much.



me & my dad