A wee change

This morning we went to a new church plant in Glasgow - Harvest Bible Chapel.

We're not leaving Greenview, just thought we'd go for a change of scenery.

Their Pastor, Scott Hamilton, had been coming around Greenview shortly before Harvest started so I knew what they were all about. We also have a few friends that have been at Harvest for the past few months as well.

At present they're located in the McCance Building at Strathclyde University in the city centre of Glasgow. We were given a very warm welcome and recognised as visitors right away. We took the lift to the 3rd floor and greeted by the Kid's Ministry co-ordinator.

Rebecca and Hannah were given labels with their name and number and Sarah and I were supposed to take the wristband with their number so that if needed during the service, our number would flash on screen. A good system and one I'm going to suggest at Greenview.

The service had already kicked off with praise when we got into the lecture theatre. If I'm being honest, the praise time wasn't my cup of tea, most of the "set list" was from Hillsong. I'm a bit more of a traditionalist with some of the new stuff in there too. Singing the same verses on repeat isn't my thing.

Pastor Scott wasn't speaking today, but instead, Pastor Doug Helmer from the States - preaching from Mark 4.

It was really nice for Sarah and I to be able to sit together and listen to God's Word being preached for an hour, something we rarely get the chance to do at Greenview as one of us has to look after the kids.

If you're looking for a church in the city (or you're not on the south side to come to Greenview wink ) I'd recommend Harvest.